
P2 Treatment:

Budget funding:

shown above is the budget sheet for the whole six episodes of the series as the actors that i'll be using are to be paid more due to their reputation throughout the TV and film industry.

Production schedule,launch date and contingency.

Launch date: The release date for the pilot of my UK cop drama will be on the 10th April 2020. This  would be good because its the beginning of summer and if the pilot goes well the British viewers will have something to look forward to during their Summer holidays. Most of the teenage youth will be out of school and adults will be taking time of for their vacations which means this series is coming out at a perfect time for those wanting a gripping story and familiar faces in my UK cop drama. The pilot will be airing on the BBC at 09:00pm to 10:00pm and the following episodes will be scheduled for the same time every Friday evening.

Contingency plan: Issues and solutions

RelevantLegal and ethical issues:

BBC Luther Research:

BBC Luther

1.  The way the BBC have introduced the main character in Luther was having him in chase scene with multiple camera angles to get the viewers gripped to the story and the main character fast. The pilot episode showcases the personality of the main character with his dark humour and clever thinking as later on in the episode, he finds out that the killer of a family was actually the daughter all along but has no strong evidence to take her down so instead plays mind games with her for the sake of doing so. This draws in the attention to the viewers because Luther is so direct and up front with his investigations and wastes no time in finding who the killer was. We are also introduced to the main character’s wife as she is seen cheating on the main character with another man and later, this messes up the main character’s emotions as he is still in love with her can’t accept to move on.  This gives background to the character and sets up the viewers to expect something to go wrong somewhere down the line in a later episode.

2.   The main internal issues that the lead character has is that at the beginning of the pilot episode, the lead character is seen not helping the guy he was chasing down and eventually watching him fall and ending up in coma. This gets him suspended from being a detective but is then accepted back in as he did solve the case and saved a girl’s life. The second internal issue that the lead character face’s is his marriage because in the pilot episode, we see his wife cheating on him with another man and when she eventually tells him, he breaks down and goes out of control. The external issues that the lead character has is that he’s an ex alcoholic and that while he was on a case, he wouldn’t return home or tell his wife were he is.

3.   I think that the BBC program Luther differs from American cop drama’s because its more gritty with the storyline due to the fact there’s a few twists in the drama and that all the while the lead character is solving cases, There’s a Alice Morgan constantly trying to distract him with her passion and wanting to prove that she is smarter and better than the main character. I also think that the program has a darker story to it than any American police drama as it focuses on the life of the detective and how he is trying to resolve everything while having to deal with  Alice Morgan. The character’s humour is darker as well as it adds to the personality of the main character which we don’t see as often in American police drama’s.

4.   I think that Luther has become BBC’s topped rated police drama because of who plays the role of the lead character and how the story of the lead character always grasps the attention of the viewers on how they have portrayed the character’s life being complicated and tough due to his wife cheating and psychopath that won’t stop being in his life to the lead character takes her in with proof or eventually kills her after the mind games that she pulls off such as confronting his wife while at her work place. The pace of the story always keeps the viewers interested as well as it keeps them guessing on what’s going to happen in the next episode and whether or not a character is going to die with the amount of twists to the story.

5.   The story for the pilot episode of Luther was compelling because it was done really well by introducing the lead character while he is in a chase scene with an suspect that was known for kidnapping and killing children as he is then trapped by the lead character who then collapses the surface that he was standing on before being interrogated by the lead character on if there was any more victims. This gives a little background on what kind of cases the lead character takes and shows that he takes his cases quite seriously by chasing down his suspects and putting them in positions that they can’t get out of.  We also get to see the lead characters personality quite early in the episode as he is portrayed as hardworking with dark humour and deeper intentions as he is constantly getting into fights and ending up being seen as mad man who can’t control his emotions while during work and out of work as he has past issues with drinking.

6.   The target audience for the programme Luther are people aged between 18-35 because of its dark storyline and that those that enjoy gritty police drama’s with twists in them will certainly enjoy the series as you never know what is exactly going to happen. The target audience would have most likely watched other gritty police drama’s such as The Wire as the lead character from Luther also stars in that which is based on American drug lords vs the NYPD.

7.   The significance of having a Hollywood actor such as Idris Elba play as the lead role is that it goes to show that the BBC have the money to bring in actors from Hollywood and have them play as this detective who is constantly battling himself to do right by those that he loves and to take down anyone that brings harm to the people that he works with and those around him. It also shows that the BBC will go the extra mile to make their drama’s the best they can be to keep their audiences hooked on their programmes.

8.   I think what makes Luther quintessential as a BBC programme is because of how well the story is made and how they manage to represent it in 50 minute long episodes like most of their drama’s but with more compacted into it as there’s multiple stories going on such as his cases, his marriage and the psychopath all tying into one big plot that is known to happen in the BBC.  The way that they have locked the lead character in this position of constantly trying to prove himself is another example of how the BBC like to keep the viewers interested with their gritty and twisted drama’s.
