
P3: Script

Title card:


Costume design and sample clothing.

actor head shot: Nikolai Nemerov

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Nikolai's clothing is going to be road like as he feels like he should show out from the rest as he sees himself as someone who shouldn't be messed with due to his back ground. His clothing is also going to be sporty as he likes to keep in shape and constantly stay active so that he's on peak performance. The colour of his clothing is mostly black and grey in mint condition with three pairs for trainers that are kept in their shoe boxes when they're not used.
Image result for black puffer jacket mens

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Image result for black trainers

Jon Fernland

Actor headshot:

Jon Fernland prefers to wear long sleeved shirts or basic clothing as he doesn't really look after himself too often but does put in the effort for his wife on occasions. He has four pair of jeans that are semi looked after due to the wife but the character does like to make sure they're clean every time he puts them on.His shoes or casual and a little tacky.

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Image result for basic jeans mensRelated image

Maria Fernland:

Actress headshot

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Maria is always making an effort in appearance by wearing the latest fashion of clothing and showing off herself whenever she goes out. She makes sure that her husband doesn't ruin her fashion status as she is well known in her area of Durham.

Image result for posh dress

Image result for high heels

Location Recce:

Lights and Camera movement techniques

The type of lighting i'll be using for my show will be dimly lit lighting with high key lighting also being used at time to capture character expression and body language.

In order to achieve this i'll have dimly lit lights on set during filming with one or two powerful lights put to one side with a soft box and reflectors for when high key lighting is needed.

Background lighting will mostly be dimly lit as well as it will set the scene and add to the characters personality at the time during the scene as it will show that they're emotionally imbalanced and danger to others if provoked. This shall also help set up the story line for the series.

Dimly lit lighting 
Image result for dimly lit lighting on set

high key lighting 

Image result for high key lighting

A range of camera movement techniques will be used throughout filming of the episodes in order to visually covey and feel the tone in each of the shots/scenes.

Still shots will be used to create the tension in key scene such as the reaction and body language of one of the characters in a conversation or to show that the atmosphere in one of the scene's is either really tense or barely noticeable.

Dolly tracking will be used to follow the character's movements and to emphasis on how important they are by adding sample sounds that fit the scene and personality of the character at the time. The tracking will also be used to bring focus onto the subject of the scene, for example, a character walking into a room or getting out of a car.

Handheld shots will be to bring more of an natural effect to the shots as there is slight movement, which can help the viewers connect with the characters more while also setting the scene of the shot. Handheld shots can also be helpful with P.O.V as it can give the viewers an immersive feeling by seeing what the character sees during a chase scene or opening a door to a mysterious area that the character doesn't know.


Bass drum impact https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-H0RlBc46U

suspense build up


End of credits music

Links to Sample footage:

Sample footage 1
